Why You Are Not Seeing Progress Doing Influencer Workouts?

Now, social media is a double-edged sword. There are hundreds of examples of great things that have come from social media, but there are also hundreds of examples of bad things that have come from it as well. The rise of social media has brought the rise of the fitness industry! This is one of the good examples! Heaps of inspiring people sharing their journeys, but if you copy them exactly, it can be detrimental to your own journey. Here is why you are not be seeing progress doing your favorite influencer workout routine. 

Individual Needs

Each and every one of us has our own very own needs. Some aspects of an exercise routine that you see influencers do might be fantastic, while some might be dangerous. What works for one person may not work for you. Each person’s body will respond differently to the different styles of training. There are many different options that you can pick between if you are looking to get started. Traditional Strength Training, CrossFit, and long distance running are just a few of the options out there. The best way to figure out what will work best for you is to try a wide variety of styles. Fitness isn’t one size fits all, so the best plan for you is the one that you enjoy the most. Try aspects from all styles of training and activity to see what you enjoy and what will help you reach your goals.

Hiring a Coach

Many of the people that you see online will hire a coach to write their workouts and help them with their nutritional needs. Hiring a coach who will help keep you safe and help you figure out what fits your lifestyle/needs will make a dramatic difference. If you want more information about why you should look into hiring a coach, check out Why You Absolutely Need To Hire A Coach To Achieve Your Health And Fitness Goals.

Now, say you were to hire a coach. Just because someone has the physique you want or can lift a certain amount of weight, they might not be the best person for you. Make sure they have the credentials to help you reach your goals and are invested in you, not just trying to take your money. 

When looking for the right fit, one of the most important aspects to examine are the questions that the coach asks and the certifications that the coach has. Make sure they are asking about your previous work out history, your previous injuries, and what you feel comfortable doing.

Then when looking at the certifications that the coaches have, one of the highest regarded certifications that a person in the fitness industry can have is the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). Then if a coach doesn’t have the CSCS certification, there are multiple governing body’s that will give someone the prerequisite credentials to be a coach. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) are both good options to keep in mind. However, make sure that the coach is asking the right questions and understands your specific limitations. 

Use of PEDs & Steroids

I do not condone the use of PEDs for 99% of the population. It usually doesn’t align with their goals and lifestyle. The use of PEDs and steroids is rampant amongst many of your favorite influencers. So, if they are using PEDs or steroids, they will have positive and negative side effects from those compounds. While many people out there on the internet are open about their use of PEDs, many are not willing to share that information. Some will go as far as to claim that they are “Natural” while secretly taking steroids. This could be a huge reason why you are not seeing the same progress as your favorite influencers.

It’s unfair to compare yourself to anyone because you are your own person on your journey. It’s especially not fair if said person is taking PEDs. The best thing you can do if you find yourself in this situation is to recognize it and move on. The only person you should “compare” yourself to is you. Look back at your previous self. Realize how far you have come in your own journey! You are too unique to compare yourself to someone else. To learn more about what you can do to reframe your mindset, check out How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – A Helpful Guide.

Define Your Goals

You must define your goals as well. Take a moment to lay out your goal. Make sure that you are making it a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) Not everyone wants to be an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder. Not everyone has the time to spend 1.5-2 hours in the gym every day. Some people just want to be able to keep up with their kids or grandkids.

We have helped hundreds of people reclaim their fitness goals just by the basics of strength training. You don’t have to jump into the deep end and start going to the gym 5x per week. We start you slow, meet you where you are at and modify exercises as needed to fit you best. People see great success with 2-3x per week, consistent strength training. Some people want to be strong but not just from a weight-lifting perspective, but from a life perspective (functional). So, figuring out what it is that you want will help you or a coach build a plan that will best fit you, your goals, and your schedule. 

A lot of the people that you see posting fitness-related content are their main source of income. It’s their job to work out 5-7 times per week and diet down to be leaner. So, the content that is put out there will be curated to get the most views. Most of them will use a high-quality camera, have good lighting, and take pictures right after they are done working out. People never look like their pictures 24/7. They are human, too. They will experience the ups and downs of a fitness journey just as anyone else will. 

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