Five Habits That Will Transform Your Life

The habits that you have determine copious amounts of aspects of your life. How you feel, look, and overall health are just a few of the things that affect your health. What if I told you there is a way to completely transform your life just by making minor changes to some of your current habits? It would be a no-brainer to make those changes. 

Habit One: Exercise

The first thing that will help your physical and mental health is your exercise routine! I’m not saying that you have to spend hours a day in the gym and be a bodybuilder. You don’t need to jump into 6x per week and advanced exercise selection immediately. But just making a promise to yourself that you will exercise at least two days each week will dramatically change your life. Starting slowly and building up from there will help you stay more consistent and enjoy the process more.

Making exercise a top priority will help improve all of your health markers and make you live longer. You will have more energy to do the things you enjoy (keeping up with your kids/grandkids, activities like hiking/cycling, going on vacation, and not feeling exhausted by the amount of walking, etc). Your body composition (lean muscle mass/fat percentage) will improve. YOU WILL BE STRONGER! 

If you don’t know where to start, that is okay. Everyone is a beginner at some point in their life. One of the best things you can do in this situation is to hire a coach. When hiring a coach, you want to ensure that the coach understands your starting point and has your best interest in mind. When looking for the right fit, one of the most important aspects to examine are the questions the coach asks and the certifications the coach has. Ensure they ask about your previous work out history, injuries, and what you feel comfortable doing. Click here to complete a form and schedule a call with one of our coaches!

Habit Two: Nutrition

Changing some of your nutrition habits will similarly affect your physical and mental health the way exercise does. Again, I’m not saying you must deprive yourself of all the food you enjoy by only eating chicken and rice. By making minor changes to your food selection, you will feel a direct impact on your energy levels and mood. An old saying in the fitness industry is, “You can’t outwork your diet.” So, no matter how much exercise you do, you must build better nutrition habits to see long-term, meaningful changes in your physique and life. 

Simple Swaps to Make

The first small swap to make is adding more lean meats (chicken/turkey breast, lean ground meats, fish, lean cuts of steak) to each meal. A general rule of thumb is 25g-35g of protein per meal. If you don’t know what 25g-35g of a protein source looks like, it’s roughly the size of a closed fist (if it is meat). Adding a protein shake or a bar as a snack will help tremendously with the added protein at each meal. 

The second swap to make is to drink more water! Not only will you notice a difference in how you feel, but you will notice your joints might hurt less, and you have the possibility of having clearer skin. This swap will also help you eliminate many calories from sodas, juices, and alcohol. One glass of juice, one can of soda, and one serving of most alcohols will all be about the same amount of calories (anywhere around 120-150 calories). By taking out your soda, juice, or alcohol consumption, you can save up to thousands of calories per week! 

The third swap is adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. This swap will help you stay fuller for longer after each meal. It will also help you get more micronutrients each day. While you might get the same Macronutrient values from some processed foods, they do not have the same micronutrient values as whole foods. You will not notice a difference right away, but you will over several weeks to several months. You will feel like you have more energy and will be able to focus better.

Habit Three: Sleep

Sleep is one of the most essential items in your life. Not only will it change your life, it will also increase your lifespan. When you get adequate sleep, your body will thank you. You will have more energy throughout the day. You’ll have less brain fog, so you can make more conscious decisions. Sleep is also the number one recovery tool for exercise. 

From The Mayo Clinic, “According to recently published research involving 172,321 adults, men who get adequate sleep live about five years longer than men who don’t. For women, it’s two years. However, about a third of adults cut sleep short, raising their risk of heart attack, dementia and diabetes, among other health conditions.”

Now, getting better sleep isn’t just going to bed earlier and hoping you will sleep through the night. You must set up your environment and create good sleep hygiene to get maximum benefits.

  • Have a dark room. No lights on or TV on. 
  • Keep your room at 62-67 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • No blue light 30-60 minutes before bed. (Blue light comes from TVs, Phones, Computers, Tablets, or anything with a screen.) 
  • Have white noise. (A fan or white noise machine works great!) 
  • Keep a weighted blanket nearby.

Tackle one thing at a time. Trying to implement all those sleep strategies at once can be overwhelming. Start with one that you see yourself doing consistently to build the habit, then add another one and another one. Suddenly, you have been consistently getting better sleep for three months!

Habit Four: Hobbies

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Find hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy that simultaneously have a positive impact on your life! Ones that have become increasingly popular in recent years are Pickleball, Run Clubs, and Hiking/backpacking. Not only will you find a new community and new friends with these hobbies, but they will also keep you active. They will help you reach your fitness goals by helping you get 10k steps without making it seem like “a workout.” 

Now, you don’t have to find an exercise-based hobby. Book clubs, for example, will allow you to meet new people with similar interests, maybe even read the same books, and build new friendships. There is something out there for everyone. Find a group online, reach out, and start something new! Having a community around you is crucial for making your life better. Psychology Today has a great article on the benefits of a community and some ways to find one!  Don’t be afraid to be a beginner at something. Everyone starts somewhere at some point, so reach out, meet new people, and have fun! 

Habit Five: Mental Health

Prioritizing your mental health is one of the most transformative habits you can cultivate, as it directly impacts every aspect of your life. When you focus on maintaining good mental health, you develop resilience, emotional stability, and a clearer perspective, which enhances your ability to handle stress and navigate challenges. This habit allows you to form healthier relationships, make better decisions, and pursue your goals with greater confidence and motivation. By consistently addressing your mental well-being, you create a solid foundation for a more balanced and fulfilling life where you can personally and professionally thrive.

Moreover, prioritizing mental health leads to long-term positive changes in your physical health. Stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues are often linked to physical ailments, such as heart disease, weakened immune systems, and chronic pain. By adopting practices that support your mental well-being, such as mindfulness, therapy, or regular exercise, you improve your emotional state and boost your overall health. This holistic approach to well-being enables you to live a more vibrant life with increased energy, better sleep, and a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

Slowly adding all these elements together will make you notice such a drastic change in your life. Now, say you are to stay consistent with all these new habits for just one month; you might not notice a difference. If you stick with it for six months, you might notice some changes but there is a possibility you might see a difference later. However, if you stick with it for a WHOLE YEAR, you might not even feel like the same person. These are not quick fixes; take it slow, trust the process, and enjoy the journey! 

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