Can Thanksgiving Ruin Your Progress?


What do you look forward to the most on Thanksgiving? Is it the food? Time with family and/or friends? Relaxation and time away from your job?

This year especially we have so much to be thankful for (even if some days or certain events throughout 2020 have made us feel less than thankful) – more time at home, making a more conscious effort to connect with family and friends, opportunities to discover new hobbies and passions.

We hope that you take a few moments tomorrow to choose a few things, people, events to be thankful for over the past year, and enjoy your Thanksgiving feast! Us coaches are definitely looking forward to enjoying a few of our favorite dishes!

Remember, Thanksgiving is really just one meal (and a few leftovers) and won’t ruin your progress towards your health and fitness goals. Just like one fantastic day in the gym won’t see 15lbs drop off in a blink of an eye, one fantastic meal won’t see that weight pile on either. If there’s a food you only get to eat during this one holiday – enjoy it! 

If you’re really worried about overdoing it at your Thanksgiving meal, there are a few strategies we recommend to destress your holiday:

  1. Focus on a high protein/low fat/low carb breakfast, mid-morning snack, and lunch
    • Egg + Egg White Omelet with fresh fruit
    • Protein Smoothie/Shake
    • Salad with lots of fresh veggies and tuna or grilled chicken
  1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day – especially if wine/beer/mixed drinks often accompany your Thanksgiving feast
  1. Go for a walk before or after your Thanksgiving meal (maybe during that weird time between the BIG feast and leftover turkey sandwiches), and make a plan to get a 30min cardio circuit or strength training session in on Friday morning
  1. Jump right back on track with your nutrition strategy (calorie budget and macro goals) the next day

Rest, relax, and enjoy the start of the holiday season! We all deserve a bit of cheer and festivity this year! You’ve got all the tools in your toolbox that will help you feel successful and in control of your health and fitness goals!

P.S. Remember to enjoy yourself… it’s only one meal! 

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